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StreetDogs Academy


Pet Grooming is a specialist role, it requires years of experience and training to ensure grooms are provided to standard quality and safely. Pet grooming is an unregulated industry, however, StreetDogs believe there should be strict regulation in place.


StreetDogs also wish to do their part by using our knowledge and expertise to educate others. After years of problem solving StreetDogs is definitely one of the most experienced mobile operators in the industry and the best people to ask when it comes to mobile pet grooming.

Trimming the Fur

StreetDogs requires a minimum of 2 years professional training, 5 years industry experience, level 2 and 3 qualifications to ensure all grooms are provided by the right people. We pride ourselves on never causing discomfort or trauma to any animal.


You can contact our head groomer at any time to ask any advice you desire, expected responses within 24 hours.


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